
Want to be a Contributor to the Blackladywriter site?

Here are our guidelines to give you an idea of what we’re looking for:

  1. We are looking for fresh, innovative, insightful, and entertaining articles.
  2. We are eager to publish culture writing, personal essays, thought-provoking pieces, and fiction between 500 – 1500 words.
  3. You may send your article (one at a time) as an attachment.
  4. Please note that the article should be in MS Word format – with your name and the title in the header of the document.  
  5. Submit at least one image (photo) related to your post
  6. Provide a short bio of no longer than 100 words, links to your social media handles, and a photo of you for our backend profile

Please, remember that BlackLadyWriter is a pan-African platform that strives to share stories relevant to the African continent under the key thematic areas of the African Union Agenda 2063.

Guest posts are subject to review by the BLW editorial team. However, we will not make any material changes that will derogate from the essence of your article.

Please email submissions to

Becoming a permanent BLW Writer

If you would like to join the core team of writers at BLW, email us at  stating why with at least two samples of your feminist writing. We would love to hear from you about what pulls you to us as we grow our blog for women and the men who love them.