At a time when discussions on decolonisation are at an all-time high, how do we
strike a balance between ‘basic’ and ‘applied’ research in Africa?
Africa’s story has often been told by others—outsiders who parachute into our lands, extract their narratives, and leave behind a trail of misrepresentations. Our continent, rich in culture, history, and innovation, has been boxed into a single story of poverty, conflict, and despair. But as the conversation around decolonisation gains momentum, we must ask: who gets to tell Africa’s story? And more importantly, how do we balance the demand for ‘basic’ and ‘applied’ research in the process of retelling it?
The Legacy of External Narratives
For centuries, Africa has been viewed through the lens of the coloniser. Early European explorers and missionaries had set the tone for how the continent would continually be portrayed—an untamed land full of exotic animals and ‘primitive’ people in need of salvation. And this narrative wasn’t just about controlling resources but also about controlling the story. In reality, the power to define and categorise Africa also means having control over its future.
Sadly, this legacy has persisted. Western media and academic institutions keep recycling the same tired stereotypes, focusing on Africa’s problems while overlooking its grit, its culture, its beauty, its resilience and the part they played and are still playing in its struggles. Even well-meaning researchers, driven by the urge to ‘help’ or ‘study’ Africa, sometimes unintentionally reinforce these narratives. The result is a consistently warped perception of Africa—one that undermines the continent.

Even though I have yet to see live elephants, there’s a surprising belief among some people that we ride them to the markets. I have, however, seen one culled in the African Museum in Belgium.
The Tug of War
When it comes to retelling Africa’s story, the debate between ‘basic’ and ‘applied’ research is front and centre. To explain, basic research simply means digging deep for knowledge’s sake—for instance, westerners exploring African societies, languages, and histories just to understand them better. Applied research, on the other hand, is the practical side. It tackles specific problems with the aim of bringing real-world solutions that would benefit communities. It’s what international bodies and countries like the EU, China, Russia, America, and France claim to be doing when they offer aid or support.
Critics say that focusing too much on basic research can be a bit elitist, catering more to academic interests than to the needs of everyday people. On the other hand, applied research is viewed as more down-to-earth, addressing urgent issues like health, education, and economic growth. But do we really need to pick one over the other?
Decolonising Africa
When it comes to decolonising Africa, you often wonder if the West has fully grasped what this actually means. For instance, Africa’s diverse cultures and histories have long been buried under centuries of oppression. Heritages were erased, languages sidelined, and systems of injustices instituted by colonial powers. Yet, most of what we know about Africa in colonial history was written by colonial forces who forced men out of their homes and painted them as savages in their own homes.
So whenever the conversation shifts to decolonisation, everyone’s quick to think, “Oh, just get rid of Western influence,” but what about the forced narratives, the psychological scars, and the systemic mess they left behind?
When Western organisations pour money into “African storytelling,” are they really funding the untold stories of a unique, resilient Africa? Or are they just recycling the same tired old narratives about “extremism in A,” “insecurity in B,” and “violence in C”? Why does it seem like most grants are fixated on the same negative angles that only reinforce the worst stereotypes about Africa?
Why does every pitch feel like it has to cater to someone’s preconceived idea of Africa as a place in perpetual crisis?
While decolonisation means putting African voices in charge of the narrative, on whose terms is it?
Does he who pays the piper still dictate the tune, or are African creatives, scholars, and journalists allowed to use effective storytelling to drive positive social change?
And this is not just about swapping out the negatives for positives, but when do we start to dig up those buried histories and give voices to those untold stories that show the real Africa—the one that was thriving long before colonialism and the one that’s still here, fighting to be free, like DR Congo?
International collaboration is great—don’t get me wrong—but doesn’t it have to be rooted in mutual respect and a genuine understanding that Africa’s knowledge systems, cultures, and histories are just as valid as any Western theory or study? This is about partnership, not saviour complexes.
Decolonising African research
A balance that values both basic and applied research and blends them will move us forward. For example, getting a deep understanding of African languages and cultures, which is simply basic research, can help us create effective education systems (applied research).
And if we’re being real, institutions across the continent are already heading in this direction. The African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA), for instance, unites top African universities to collaborate on research that meets the continent’s needs. Similarly, the African Union Media Fellowship is helping African journalists and content creators take control and redefine the continent’s image on its own terms.
At the end of the day, the question isn’t just who is telling Africa’s story, but how it’s being told. Is it a narrative that captures the complexities and struggles of Africa through an authentic lens? Or is it one that is still shackled by the remnants of colonial hangovers, dressed up in modern-day concern?
Decolonisation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a process that involves reclaiming histories, cultures, and the future from those who’ve tried to define it on their own terms.
International Collaboration and Why It Matters
International collaboration is crucial, and in fact, Africa needs it. But more importantly, it must be grounded in genuine partnerships and not a saviour mentality. It is, however, time to stop brushing off African knowledge systems and indigenous wisdom as ‘unscientific’ or ‘primitive.” We’re not just throwing it in for some cultural flair; we are talking about solutions that have long been effective in tackling the climate crisis, health issues, sustainable agriculture, etc. It’s about time we stop acting like we’re too cool for ancient wisdom and start giving credit where it’s due.
Whose Story Is It Anyway?
Retelling the African narrative is more than mere feel-good stories of the continent; it is how we can balance the quest for knowledge with the need for practical solutions. It is creating a global research environment that values and respects African perspectives—one that acknowledges its past, present, and builds a future where its stories are told by those who live them. This is the narrative Africa deserves: authentic, nuanced, and unashamedly its own.